Category Archives: Events

ESGE 2015 (Budapest)


ESGE 2015 (Budapest)

Role of Medical Treatment and Surgery for the Long-term Management of Fibroids
24th Annual Congress of European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy. October 7th – 10th, 2015


ESGE 2015 (Budapest)

Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulators (SPRMs) are a new class of compounds with great potential in the treatment of Uterine Fibroids. The presentations in this scientific session discussed the potential use of Esmya® in the long term management of symptomatic Uterine Fibroids as well as its use in pre-operative setting.

ESG 2015 (Prague)


ESG 2015 (Prague)

Long term management of uterine fibroids with Ulipristal Acetate
11th Congress of European Society of Gynecology. 21-24 October 2015.


  • Genazzani Andrea R. (IT), Kucera Eduard (CZ)
  • Chabbert-Buffet Nathalie (FR) MoA and application of the SPRMs
  • Matule Dace (LV) PEARL IV Study: Latest results from the long term intermittent use of Ulipristal Acetate
  • Arriagada Pablo (CH) PEARL Extension II Study: Cumulative experience after 8 treatment courses with Ulipristal Acetate
  • Deans Anne (GB) Long Term management of UF with Ulipristal Acetate: Practical guidance for clinicians